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Mind Over Matter: How Stories Can Override Nature

Ask someone the color of a shiny new Ferrari, and they’ll nearly always answer “Red”, which loudly proclaims power, virility, and speed. Would a “Green Bull” give you the same […]

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Stop Sacrificing Sales and Start Telling Your Story

Some stories are more compelling than others.  Tone, structure, and diction all affect a tale’s resonance with its intended audience. Why, then, do so many businesses overlook this simple truth […]

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What’s the return on your brand story?

What’s the ROI on your business card? How about the sign on the front of your store or office? What about your website? You’ve probably spent money — maybe even […]

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To sell more, you’ve got to have a story. Here’s how small businesses can write their own.

Some call it a pitch. Others infamously refer to it as a spiel. Use whatever word or phrase you like, but what sells anything is, at its core, a story. […]

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