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Are Your Customers Buying the Status Quo?

Green brands can’t just rely on believers in sustainability to drive their businesses forward. Tami Jarvis loves animals and hates plastic.  Horrified by gruesome videos of animal cruelty and the […]

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Customers Don’t Give a Duck

In a Post-Marketing Era—Experience is All That Matters. “For almost 100 years the Ducks did almost nothing but lose.” When it comes to the University of Oregon football team, there’s […]

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Prompting with Purpose: How Strategic Narrative Will Change the Way You Use ChatGPT

Yes, you can write ChatGPT prompts that tell your brand’s story. Here’s how. If you’ve done any scrolling on Twitter or LinkedIn recently, chances are you’ve felt like the ground […]

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A Story That’s Stalled Out

Why Southwest Airlines Has Hit Serious Turbulence—And What to Do About It David Brownlee is a happy Southwest Airlines flier. Four years ago he was stuck traveling for business and […]

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First The Bubble, Then The Burst

In a suburban Los Angeles garage, Chris Robinson stands uncomfortably, his arms not quite covering the text on his white t-shirt: “BANKRUPT BY BEANIE BABIES.” “This is like admitting to […]

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Don’t Slack on Story

When email gained popularity in 1993, it heralded the arrival of faster, more effective business communication. But as email became ubiquitous, it quickly gave way to torrents of messages and […]

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Don’t Make Them Search

How to ensure your brand stands out in a sea of sameness For children who grew up in the 1980s and 1990s, meticulously combing through dizzying puzzle pages in pursuit […]

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Mind Over Market

When note taking app KustomNote rebranded itself as Transpose, “the easiest way to run your business,” they had good reason to think it would be successful. The B2C startup had […]

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Your Company Isn’t the Uber or AirBNB of Anything

(And that’s okay.) “We’re the Uber of babysitting.” “It’s like Airbnb for bikes.” “Imagine Uber for dog walking.” It’s the shorthand founders of supposedly innovative companies use to describe their […]

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What’s at Stake in Your Sales Funnel?

When customers discover a consistent story of change—they can’t wait to buy   In late 2023, LinkedIn’s B2B institute analyzed 7,046 brands on its platform. It found only 16 percent—16 […]

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