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Strategy vs. Tactics: How to Best Engage Audiences by Building Your Brand

By Joe Pathickal People often confuse strategy and tactics when it comes to sales and engagement. Success comes from being able to delineate the differences between them, and from showing […]

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The Story of How Good Companies Become Great

By Dan McDonough, Jr. “There’s something deeply human about storytelling: it’s part of how we learn language as babies, and it’s part of how we come to understand our world […]

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What’s in a word? Telling your story with the right voice

By Kim Palagyi Putting your story into words can sometimes take more than a great catchphrase or a snappy product name. The core of a brand’s story comes down to […]

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Branding That Goes Beyond Pretty: Telling a Visual Story

By Mike DeSocio When Verizon unveiled its new logo in September, I had some serious doubts about the direction of the brand identity. The iconic “v” had been reduced to […]

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Artful Storytelling in Action (For Better or Worse)

By Dan McDonough, Jr. Storytelling has been proven time and again to be the best way to deliver a message. And while the method of storytelling is a clearly defined […]

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To capitalize on your brand’s potential, go ‘horizontal’ with your storytelling

By Kim Palagyi Fans have waited 10 years for a new Star Wars movie, but the beauty of The Force Awakens is not merely an introduction to a new generation […]

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Can your brand create a Christmas miracle?

Another year of coal stockings for lying retailers By Ed Lynes My inbox started filling up the early part of Thanksgiving week. Retailers peppered me with inducements — 70% off! […]

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Woden Wins International Marketing Honors

By Mike DeSocio We at Woden are proud to announce winning Platinum and Gold honors for our work with SoldierStrong and Nooch, respectively. Woden was recognized by the Association of […]

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Storied Design

By Kim Palagyi Burgers are a transcended sandwich. The idiosyncratic journey of each ingredient within the bun makes them taste so wonderful. The burger at Shake Shack illustrates how precise […]

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Snapchat Sells Nouveau Storytelling

By Kim Palagyi Businesses and causes looking to reach younger markets likely have heard of Snapchat. But, is the platform the right medium for serious commercial storytelling? Snapchat is used […]

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