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The only strategic decision in marketing

Chances are: you’ve failed to make it. By Ed Lynes Every manager faces the daily crucible of decision-making. From small decisions about the language in an email to larger ones […]

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How Good Design Tells a Great Story

By Gabrielle Kenny After your brand’s story is crafted to the finest it can be, it is time to start thinking about your story in a different way: visually. Telling a […]

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How Serial Captured the Perfect Audience and You Can Too

By Dani Bingaman Everyone has a story – is a phrase that many, if not all of us, are familiar with. The phrase is used in a plethora of ways, referencing […]

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Why it hurts to lose a client

By Ed Lynes I’ve repeated it so many times over the past few years that I repeat it out without even the slightest thought. A curious party will ask, “what does […]

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Native Content Is About More Than Disguising an Advertisement

By Melissa Rodier The intertextuality of media and branding has changed the storytelling landscape drastically in a short time. In a culture that has become immune to the 30-second advertising […]

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The Best Kind of Narrative is Built on Anticipation and Excitement

By Zach Kliger Every June, video game developers, journalists, and executives gather in Los Angeles at the Electronic Entertainment Expo to talk about the latest news and developments in their […]

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What world is your brand living in?

By Ed Lynes The camera pans down from the opening crawl, and within seconds the screen is overwhelmed by the image of an imposing spaceship. The audience’s eardrums are rocked […]

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Storytelling Is a Meaningless Trope

By Melissa Rodier For the last few years, every discussion, TED Talk, or article on branding has preached the power of storytelling. That makes sense: It’s science, and millennia of […]

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Why no one ever listens to you

How to dominate the attention economy By Ed Lynes Your sales and marketing teams have spent the last quarter carefully planning campaigns for the second half of the year. They […]

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The Timeless Value of the Human Connection

By Zach Kliger We live in a world of increasing automation, routinization, and regulation; but people still sell cars. And not just cars either. We can still count on there being […]

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