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Sep 27, 2019

Caught at a Customer Crossroads

Keeping on a Steady Path Amidst Confounding Customer Demands By Hannah Landers Controversy started with a headline: “TRUMP URGES UNITY VS. RACISM.” In its August 14, 2019 edition, The New York […]

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Sep 20, 2019

Picturing Politics

By Kenly Craighill That the American voter is rational—critically evaluating the policies and promises of each candidate—is an idealist’s fantasy. The mass electorate is neither informed nor rational: most voters […]

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Sep 6, 2019

Diagnosis: Data Addiction

Data is the most prized asset in business today. Whether it’s Google’s collection of data to optimize advertising algorithms, or how Equifax failed to protect its clients’ identities, information about customers is more integral to success than ever before. Entire businesses and industries have grown with no economic model other than collecting vast hordes of data, and reselling it for use by others.

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